We had to stop all our hockey activities midway through March due to COVID-19 second wave. It was painful. We were worried -- still are -- how badly the emerging situation affect over all well being our stakeholder familys. We have recently published an article in the site covering our baseline survey. It showed inter alia the distance we have to cover to uplift these families to a decent living conditions.
The Pandemic made our task tougher and sterner.
As we have recently modfied our approach, giving equal importance to general education and nutrition, we thought of improviong education and nutrtion in the difficult times. First, we published a request for teachers who can teach the boys and girls online. Our preferred subjects were maths and English. The latter to improve communicaiton skills, and the former to increase mark percentage.
Many have responded. Among them are special mentioning must be made of the following
Mr Manish Kumar, senior journalist and sports executive. Senior boys undergo English Speaking Course under him three days a week
There were challenges especially in the area of logistics. Firstly, everyone to have connectivity at home. Secondly, to have smart phones. Thridly, ability to connect to video conferencing Apps.
We intend not to describe now as to how we managed to bring at least one hundred of our kids to online classes.
6. Ms Vaudha Singh is a College student with an interest in teaching. She too teaches basic English to a group of 8-10 boys/girls.
7. Volunteer Ms Tazeen Qureshy conducts QUIZ on sundays with her innovative ways, and providing content in advance.
7. Mentor K Arumugam, prepares conent and conducts General Knowledge sessions and also QUIZ for an hour on Wednesday and Sunday for two different groups
8. As a special move, senior motivator Mr Neelakantan has conducted a week long English Workshop for college students, numbering 15.
9. Two senior players in the OTHL namely Brajgopal and Rohit Thakur were given the role of co-ordinating each group, scheduling and monitoring. The duo are enjoying the new role. We found they have adpated to the roles perfectly.