On the occasion of former Hockey player Late K D Singh 'Babu' 's birth anniversary, 02nd Feb, One Thousand Hockey Legs is organizing a festival for 2 days, 1st and 2nd Feb '10: FEEL HOCKEY on BABU's Day.
K D Singh Babu hailed from Barabanki and was double Gold Medalist (1948 and 52 Olympics). In 1952 Helsinki Olympics, he led the team. For more info on Babu, you can visit:
All 8 school enrolled with One Thousand Hockey Legs will be participating in Quiz Competition, 6 a side matches, video shows and other Hockey based activities.
More than 150 children are expected to participate in the same.
The proceedings have already started in Green Park Stadium, Kanpur
4 Delhi based volunteers are in Kanpur to make this event a grand success.
Local volunteers are also involved in materializing the same.
Government agencies have also extended their helping hand in materializing the same.
Watch out this space for updates on matches, quizzes, photographs.